no. 89, version d

“mirror, mirror on the wall, can you tell me who to call when the one i love is loving someone who can’t see? tell me if he’ll ever fall so in love with me, or could it be it’s just make-believe? i wanna know, i wanna know is he gonna know that i’m loving him and needing him, or will he always love someone who can’t see?” – Kelly Thee Price

no. 89, version c

this numbering system is unhinged and ridiculous and will inevitably collapse like a house of cards ~

no. 89, version b

i was given a crown of horns

so mean were those who saw

to myself, i prayed for justice

that i cried should come as no surprise

no. 89

i was looking at the Pact ( web serial ) wiki and thinking about how Brandon Sanderson shouldn’t be the only fantasy weaver able to offer an approach to magic system construction ; so i offer my current approach ~

choose three concepts, as specific or general as you like, and explain how they interact and why they interact that way ; explain how each concept interacts with the concept of exchange and why – decide what this system is called, how the exploitation of this system is described, what exploiters of the system are called ( and call themselves ), what the limitations of the system are, and what the limitations of exploiters of this system are ~

this approach is based on the idea that magic systems are more useful when they have an internal logic, especially if it reinforces the themes of a story ~

an example i’m working on currently :

the concepts are Pleasure, Love, and Joy ; Pleasure and Love make Sex ( because Pleasure is physical and Love is social ), Pleasure and Joy make Beauty ( because Joy is mental ), and Love and Joy make Fame – Pleasure and Exchange mean the price of physical satisfaction is a different kind of physical satisfaction, Love and Exchange mean the price of a social benefit is a different social benefit, and Joy and Exchange mean the price of internal satisfaction is a different kind of internal satisfaction ~

one might decide to explain how the secondary concepts interact with each other, with the concept of exchange, and / or with the primary concepts ; one might decide the unifying concept is not exchange but something else, like theft or dreams – skipping these optional steps, i’ll call this system hedonism, the exploitation of hedonism will be described as “practicing”, and those who practice hedonism are called hedonists ~

hedonism cannot be used to manipulate Sorrow, Pain, or Hatred and hedonists cannot accomplish anything that does not offer satisfaction to all involved ~

no. 55

Tales of Prasiolite is not ( or MAY not be ) a “real” roleplaying game ; bards may explore the interiority of their characters to whatever extent they desire, but sinking into their minds is not a goal of this game – in Tales of Prasiolite, each bard creates and controls a number of characters ~

in Tales of Prasiolite, there is no single player designated as game moderator ; if any bard can be called a game moderator, every bard can be called a game moderator, so there is no imbalance of responsibility or power ~

no. 34 ( updated )

a schedule :

sundays will be about religion, mysticism, and magic ~

mondays will be about podcasts and music i like and dislike ~

tuesdays will be about mythology, legends, and folk lore i find interesting ~

wednesdays will be about tv shows and movies i like and dislike ~

thursdays will be about comics, books, and audiobooks i like and dislike ~

fridays will be about Project Prasiolite ~

saturdays can be about anything ~

no. 21

Project Prasiolite is my unborn baby ; it starts with Tales of Prasiolite, a storytelling game, which should spawn novellas, graphic novels, and anthologies of short stories, and so on – it’s a stew of all the things i find wondrous and terribly fascinating ~

no. 13

i like music that makes me feel terrifying and alluring ; it resonates with the succubus i feel is trapped in my all-too-human mind and body ~